Saturday, February 28, 2009
Harvard to restore FDR's student suite
Another Listing of Sites for OERs
Tony Bates' listing of OER sites adds yet another useful selection to an ever-growing collection of annotated listings. ____JH
"Whatever happened to learning objects? Well, they've been replaced (or rather swallowed up) by open educational resources. Increasingly, more and more institutions are making online educational resources and course materials available free of charge for educational or non-profit purposes. So will content be free in education in the future? I think this deserves a blog entry to itself! (to come). In the meantime, I list here web sites that provide access to free material."
Health Sciences Online
"HSO is the first website to deliver authoritative, comprehensive, free, and ad-free health sciences knowledge. Search and browse any health sciences topic from over 50,000 courses, references, guidelines, and other learning resources. Materials are selected from accredited educational sources including universities, governments, and professional societies, by knowledgeable staff at HSO."
"HSO provides free, online linkages to a comprehensive collection of top-quality courses and references in medicine, public health, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, basic sciences, and other health sciences disciplines. These materials are donated, hosted, and maintained by our distinguished content partners, so quality is maintained, and materials can be constantly updated. HSO is a sieve that includes world-class materials (currently numbering >50,000 resources), hand-selected by clinicians and other experts from already-existing reliable sources and resource collections. This includes medical specialty societies, accredited continuing education organizations, governments, and top-ranked universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Penn, and UCSF."
Read more ...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Education's Stimulus Package: Resources
Open Education News
"The young field of open education is gaining momentum and energy. As additional projects, foundations, universities, and other participants join the movement, the need increases for a single source to gather, sort, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate news related to open education. As a field, open education is now where the field of open access was a few years ago. Peter Suber's wonderful Open Access News provides an invaluable service to the OA community, and we intend to replicate this service with Open Education News."
"Open Education News is essentially a group blog. A number of individuals from the US, South Africa, and eventually other locations daily monitor the internet for news related to open education. We then aggregate these items and publish them individually with minor commentary. Occasionally we'll publish bigger pieces of our own authorship; analyses and such. If you know of some open education news we should write about, contact David Wiley at"
"Open Education News is graciously supported by the Open Society Institute and the Shuttleworth Foundation."
Read more ...
Ark. lawmakers eye grade inflation lotto rule
Lawmakers working on a bill creating lottery-funded scholarships say they're considering easing a restriction that would exclude students who graduate from schools that have been cited by the state for grade ...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Education chief updates Senate on status of territory's schools
The Senate Committee on Education, Youth and Culture met Thursday night to discuss the state of education in the territory.
Continue reading ...As college donating falls, schools think long-term
The legions of fundraisers colleges hired during the boom years have a new mission for these tough economic times: Go easy on the hard sell. Talk about financial aid, not shiny new buildings. If prospects can't give now, lay the groundwork for when the economy recovers.
Kosovo president receives leadership award at ASU
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Obama Addresses Games in Speech
In President Obama’s first major speech to Congress, he said: These education policies will open the doors of opportunity for our children.But it is up to us to ensure they walk through them. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences..
Upbeat Obama says US will revive past 'reckoning'
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tech, Financials Led Reversal But Was it Enough?
NM House panel approves state budget proposal
Dread is rising in Harvard's hole
Monday, February 23, 2009
Math teacher awaits verdict in fraud trial
Matthias Vheru is accused of making nearly $1 million by arranging for L.A. Unified to order 45,000 copies of his textbook without revealing his financial interest in the transaction.
Sipping a cup of coffee in the Los Angeles courthouse where he is on trial for fraud, math teacher Matthias Vheru said all he wanted to do was write the best algebra book possible to help his students and those of his colleagues.
Debt Solution Options to Help Students Get Out of Debt
by Joel Marks When It Comes To Student Loan Debt… You’re Not Alone! Escalating college tuitions are making student loan debt an eerie fact of life for students everywhere. The average cost of tuition for 4-year colleges has more than doubled over the past 30 years. By the time you add up the cost of tuition, plus room and board, the cost of attending a private college hovers around $29,026 per year and around $12,127 at four-year public universities. Consequently, debt from educational loans
Missouri system president says furloughs unlikely
Just two weeks after gaining curator approval to furlough employees, University of Missouri President Gary Forsee said Friday that it's "highly unlikely" the four-campus system will resort to forcing workers to temporarily stay home without pay.
California schools struggling with budget-trimming decisions
Because of reduced funding, school districts across the state are facing teacher layoffs, class-size increases and elimination of programs.
In a cheery classroom decorated with posters exhorting students to "Dive into a Good Book," four first-graders, who are struggling to read, recited words ending with the "ang" sound -- bang, rang, sang, fang, gang. The Foothill Ranch Elementary School students used their index fingers to trace the letters into squares of felt and carpet, imprinting the connection between the letters and the sound into their minds.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
69 Learning Adventures
Zaid Ali Alsagoff has organized and edited 69 postings from his weblog Zaidlearn at the ePublishing site Scribd. Zaid's eBook provides many links and many valuable perspectives on the worlds of learning that are available on the Web. ____JH
After a lot of filtering, I have settled for 69 learning nuggets posted on ZaidLearn, which I believe readers might find useful to their own learning. To make it a bit more convenient to find what you are looking for, I have divided the book into six learning galaxies (or themes), which are:
- Learning
- Teaching
- Stories
- Free e-Learning Tools
- Free Learning Content
- Free EduGames
Va. School Board Votes
The state Board of Education is making high school graduation rates part of Virginia's public school accountability system.
Vonnie Lui Love Education Hongkong Actress | Bra Lingerie
Vonnie Lui or Liu Kai Xin is a Hongkong actress and model. She played in several Hongkong Cat III movies such as : Dating a Vampire, Slim Till Dead, and Love Education.
Our View: School choice a vital issue in education
East Valley school districts have too many students who want to enroll in their traditional or alternative school programs.
Peer 2 Peer University
P2P University has received favorable coverage by a number of bloggers (including ZaidLearn and Stephen's Web). I just want to add my endorsement of this promising direction of development. ___JH
"The Peer 2 Peer University is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.Find out more about what P2PU courses look like, and consider creating your own. If you just want to stay informed, please add your name to our mailing list, and we will send you a message when we launch."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
South Dakota panel nixes plan to cut state budget
Republicans on a Senate committee knocked down a Democratic lawmaker's plan on Friday to cut nearly $9.5 million from the current South Dakota state budget.
Academic Earth
"Academic Earth is an educational video website with the goal of enhancing the usability and expanding the awareness of OER, focusing first on video lectures. We hope to do this through three means:
1. Centralizing the best video resources from multiple sources into one easy-to-search hub.
2. Applying the latest best practices in usability and design.
3. Integrating crowd-sourcing and wiki tools so users can enhance the experience for future users (these features to come)." Richard Ludlow, CEO Academic Earth
Read more ...
Why Creative Tutors?
Creative Tutors provides educators with a business more on my website
Friday, February 20, 2009
The November 2008 Nursing Board Exam Topnotchers - Top 10
Jovie Ann Alawas Decoyna of Baguio Central University topped the board, with 89 percent. John Patrick Morales Dimarucot of Central Luzon Doctor’s Hospital Educational Institute grabbed the lone second place with 88.4 percent
PCOS and Sleep Apnea Visualization Tool
About Many Eyes
"Many Eyes is a bet on the power of human visual intelligence to find patterns. Our goal is to 'democratize' visualization and to enable a new social kind of data analysis. Jump right to our visualizations now, take a tour, or read on for a leisurely explanation of the project.
All of us in CUE's Visual Communication Lab are passionate about the potential of data visualization to spark insight. It is that magical moment we live for: an unwieldy, unyielding data set is transformed into an image on the screen, and suddenly the user can perceive an unexpected pattern. As visualization designers we have witnessed and experienced many of those wondrous sparks. But in recent years, we have become acutely aware that the visualizations and the sparks they generate, take on new value in a social setting. Visualization is a catalyst for discussion and collective insight about data.
We all deal with data that we'd like to understand better. It may be as straightforward as a sales spreadsheet or fantasy football stats chart, or as vague as a cluttered email inbox. But a remarkable amount of it has social meaning beyond ourselves. When we share it and discuss it, we understand it in new ways."
Continue reading ...
L.A. Unified healthcare contract to preserve free lifetime benefits
The tentative three-year agreement could diminish the possibility of a strike. It is expected to limit district costs by setting benchmarks for when new employees become eligible.
A new three-year agreement on healthcare announced Wednesday by the Los Angeles Unified School District will preserve a generous benefits package for about 250,000 employees and their families while also limiting district costs.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Estimates released of stimulus dollars
Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the economic stimulus plan will help avert thousands of teacher layoffs, and he released the first estimates of where the money will go.
Lawyer derides ethics decision
Both students and instructors use the online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia and both are likely to make use of Knol. The new Google site offers short articles on a very wide range of subjects from Backpacking to Malaria to Barbecue Sauces. Net watchers will be looking closely to see if Knol grows at the same pace and to the same scope as Wikipedia. ____JH
The Knol site has one goal: to help you share what you know.
"The Knol project is a site that hosts many knols units of knowledge written about various subjects. The authors of the knols can take credit for their writing, provide credentials, and elicit peer reviews and comments. Users can provide feedback, comments, related information. So the Knol project is a platform for sharing information, with multiple cues that help you evaluate the quality and veracity of information.Knols are indexed by the big search engines, of course. And well-written knols become popular the same as regular web pages. The Knol site allows anyone to write and manage knols through a browser on any computer."
MCAS results released today
The Massachusetts Department of Education today released the results of the 2008 MCAS tests and the department said statewide they show impressive math gains in all grades and strong improvement in eighth grade science and gains in English language arts, math and Science, Technology/Engineering in Grade 10.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Funding switch could oust outside students from Beverly Hills schools
One of the most sought-after tickets in Southern California, a permit to enroll a child in the academically acclaimed Beverly Hills Unified School District, may soon disappear. Software for To Do's and Electronic Postits
", which focuses on minimizing the time and effort needed to capture information, was developed not by looking at how people organize information, but by analyzing what kind of information they keep and make lists of. The tool resides in a Firefox browser sidebar, which can be pulled up and put away through a customizable hot key. A 'quick input box' allows users to enter information on the fly. A synching feature ensures that notes will be backed up; if the user has installed on multiple computers, notes will be mirrored to all of them."
Read more ...
Reconnection via exchange
Another Listing of Sites for OERs
"Whatever happened to learning objects? Well, they've been replaced (or rather swallowed up) by open educational resources. Increasingly, more and more institutions are making online educational resources and course materials available free of charge for educational or non-profit purposes. So will content be free in education in the future? I think this deserves a blog entry to itself! (to come). In the meantime, I list here web sites that provide access to free material." Continue reading ...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Schooldays and Education of Lewis Carroll
69 Learning Adventures
After a lot of filtering, I have settled for 69 learning nuggets posted on ZaidLearn, which I believe readers might find useful to their own learning. To make it a bit more convenient to find what you are looking for, I have divided the book into six learning galaxies (or themes), which are:
- Learning
- Teaching
- Stories
- Free e-Learning Tools
- Free Learning Content
- Free EduGames
Read more ...
Error on test spotted by Kan. student 1 year later
A high school student's keen eye has caught a state test error that managed to slip past teachers, test coordinators and other students for almost a year.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ed chief to recommend Gloucester charter school
El Monte boy, 9, discharges gun at school
A 9-year-old boy took his grandmother's pistol to an El Monte elementary school Tuesday and accidentally discharged it as school was letting out in the afternoon, police said.
Both students and instructors use the online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia and both are likely to make use of Knol. The new Google site offers short articles on a very wide range of subjects from Backpacking to Malaria to Barbecue Sauces. Net watchers will be looking closely to see if Knol grows at the same pace and to the same scope as Wikipedia. ____JH
The Knol site has one goal: to help you share what you know.
"The Knol project is a site that hosts many knols units of knowledge written about various subjects. The authors of the knols can take credit for their writing, provide credentials, and elicit peer reviews and comments. Users can provide feedback, comments, related information. So the Knol project is a platform for sharing information, with multiple cues that help you evaluate the quality and veracity of information.Knols are indexed by the big search engines, of course. And well-written knols become popular the same as regular web pages. The Knol site allows anyone to write and manage knols through a browser on any computer."
Dalton library offering trial run of education database
Dalton-Whitfield Public Library officials are alerting the community to the availability of the Gale Testing and Education Reference Center with Careers Module database as a test demonstration through March 3. ...
Continue reading ...Sunday, February 15, 2009
039 - Dr Roger Rassool - Interview Part 1 - Physics Outreach
A discussion on The Melbourne University Physics Promotion, Education and Teaching Service
Ivy League ID thief sentenced to 4 years in prison
A federal judge characterized a Montana woman who stole multiple identities over several years and faked her way into Ivy League schools as a scheming, manipulative criminal and sentenced her Wednesday to more ...
Open Education News
"The young field of open education is gaining momentum and energy. As additional projects, foundations, universities, and other participants join the movement, the need increases for a single source to gather, sort, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate news related to open education. As a field, open education is now where the field of open access was a few years ago. Peter Suber's wonderful Open Access News provides an invaluable service to the OA community, and we intend to replicate this service with Open Education News."
"Open Education News is essentially a group blog. A number of individuals from the US, South Africa, and eventually other locations daily monitor the internet for news related to open education. We then aggregate these items and publish them individually with minor commentary. Occasionally we'll publish bigger pieces of our own authorship; analyses and such. If you know of some open education news we should write about, contact David Wiley at"
"Open Education News is graciously supported by the Open Society Institute and the Shuttleworth Foundation."
Read more ...
Education high schools work with students who have begun ref
Education high schools are schools that provide education typically for ages fourteen to eighteen. These schools can be public, private, or even a part of a home schooling program. Education high schools work with students who have begun reflecting their K-12 education and upbringing as they begin to apply what they have learned socially...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Police: RI teacher assaulted child with pointer
Dalton library offering trial run of education database
Dalton-Whitfield Public Library officials are alerting the community to the availability of the Gale Testing and Education Reference Center with Careers Module database as a test demonstration through March 3. ...
Read more ...UC regents ease admission rules to expand applicant pool
A much-debated plan by the University of California to expand its freshman applicant pool and reduce the tests required for admission won final approval Thursday from the Board of Regents.
Rudd: Fires arson is mass murder
Investigators in Australia believe some of the deadly wildfires ravaging dry southeastern bushland may have been set deliberately, a conclusion prompting Australia's prime minister to call such acts "mass ...
Continue reading ...Friday, February 13, 2009
First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks To The Dept. Of Education
I take it as a good sign that Michelle Obama’s first speech as First Lady addressed the funding (or lack thereof) of America’s public education system. Having crossed fingers didn’t stop me from reading a transcript of the speech. My favorite bit:
“…I think the most important thing to tell you or to remind you is that I am a product of your work. I’m a product of people who were investing every day in the education of regular kids who’d grown up on the south side of Chicago, kids on the north side, folks in the south, in the west — young people who oftentimes comes into these systems not knowing their own power and their own potential, believing that there’s some magic out there, to great things. But because of the work that you’ve put in, you’ve taught us and helped many of us understand that it is our own hard work and our own belief in self, our commitment to pushing ourselves along, building great communities and families, and reinvesting that energy once we have some successes.
“I am a product of your work. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the public schools that nurtured me and helped me along. And I am committed, as well as my husband, to ensuring that more kids like us and kids around this country, regardless of their race, their income, their status, their — the property values in their neighborhoods, get access to an outstanding education.”
Further Reading:
First Lady Visits Department Of Education
Michelle Obama Gives Her First Speech
Mrs. Obama Thanks Education Department
Education Is Why We Need This $835m Bail-Out, Says First Lady
Posted by Alexa Harrington
photo credit: Jason Reed/Reuters
Media Studies and Literary Studies
I was somewhat bemused to see the white paper recently released by the MLA, reporting to the Teagle Foundation on the goals and objectives of the undergraduate major in language and literature in the context of a liberal arts education. (From what I can tell, the report itself was actually released in December — as reported by Scott Jaschik in Inside Higher Ed — and posted on the MLA website or announced as available yesterday.) This paper argues strongly for the core values that have long
STUMPTALK: Tons of money and still U.S. education doesna t stack up
So good education is expensive, eh? American students continue to get badly beaten on international tests by other nations' students who spend less money and have larger average class sizes.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hundreds seek ways to keep public access to Brandeis museum
Nearly 300 art lovers packed a room at Brandeis University's Rose Art Museum to discuss how to protect its vast collection of notable art and make it available to the public after the school announced plans to close the museum because of financial problems.
Paul Andrew's E-Learning Resources Guide
This is another useful compilation of e-learning resources, well-organized and thoughtfully selected. ____JH (Thanks to OL Daily for the citation.)
- Free
- Easy to use
- Produce high quality resources that can be used on any web enabled platform
Strickland education plan could help high schoolers
While New Jersey is looking at improving public high school education by requiring additional state tests, Ohio Gov.
UMass dominates list of top paid state workers
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Inauguration Day
If you live under a rock and weren’t aware, President Barack H. Obama was sworn into office today. The cafeteria and gymnasium of my daughter’s elementary school were filled with students, parents, siblings, teachers and staff, all watching the inauguration on the big screen. I took it as a really good sign that a school full of kids (and my three-year-old) sat still for over an hour and quietly watched a bunch of adults make speeches. Happy Inauguration Day.
Posted by Alexa Harrington
Read the rest ...Disruptive Technologies or New Pedagogical Possibilities
Grainne Conole of OpenLearn presents a view of how Web 2.0 technologies can influence pedagogical approaches. The models and ideas in Conole's presentation are worth considering by learning design professionals whose task is to facilitate the construction of online courses. (The video from the Eduserve Foundation Symposium 2008 was cited by iThinkEd.)____JH
Foundation aims to help L.A. immigrants
The California Community Foundation plans a campaign to help L.A. immigrants become more active citizens by helping them learn English, improve job skills and increase civic participation.
A leading California foundation plans today to announce a broad campaign to help Los Angeles immigrants become more active citizens with a new $3.75-million, five-year program to help them learn English, improve job skills and increase civic participation.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Opinion: A Spending Education
See a sample reprint in PDF format. Order a reprint of this article now REVIEW & OUTLOOK FEBRUARY 7, 2009 A Spending Education Milwaukee gets money for unneeded schools.
Read the rest ...UMass may widen financial assistance
UMass may widen financial assistance
The University of Massachusetts system, facing sharp cuts in state funding, is poised to sharply raise student fees next school year and use the extra money to dramatically expand financial aid for low- and moderate-income students.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Post Production timescales - Educating Clients
Who's fault is it clients are not aware of timescales. Ours.
Peer 2 Peer University
P2P University has received favorable coverage by a number of bloggers (including ZaidLearn and Stephen's Web). I just want to add my endorsement of this promising direction of development. ___JH
"The Peer 2 Peer University is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.Find out more about what P2PU courses look like, and consider creating your own. If you just want to stay informed, please add your name to our mailing list, and we will send you a message when we launch."
UC approves plan to loosen application requirements starting 2011
" University of California leaders on Thursday approved eligibility changes to allow thousands more high-school seniors to have their applications reviewed.
Read the rest ...A Biograpy of America
This video series from Annenberg Media/ sets a high standard for online resources. The flash media presentations are exceptionally well produced to include clips from historical records and commentary by historians. Maps, a webography, and transcripts are also included with each module. Registration is required to access the free resources. Viewers who visit A Biography of America will also want to examine other programs available from Annenberg. ____JH
"Annenberg Media is a unit of The Annenberg Foundation. Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in all disciplines throughout American K-12 schools. Former names of Annenberg Media are: Annenberg/CPB, The Annenberg/CPB Project, and The Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project.
We pursue this mission by funding and broadly distributing multimedia resources for teachers to help them improve their own teaching practice and understanding of their subject. Annenberg Media makes use of telecommunications technologiesthe Internet, including broadband video streaming, and satellite television broadcastas well as hard copy media to disseminate these multimedia resources, ensuring that they reach as many teachers as possible."
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Facebook Page Best Practices (for higher education) - Part I
Bad Blood to Blame for Poor SAT Scores
Studying for the SAT? The best test-prep could be in your blood. Lead levels in children's blood exhibit a strong correlation to their SAT scores and mental capacity later in life, a new study shows.
Homeschooling Setups That Make Your Home Education Run More Smoothly
An environment in the home should be set up for conductive learning. Teaching your child to read in the middle of a family room may not be the best setting and could be disruptive to learning.
THE INFLUENCE GAME: Lobbyists work stimulus to end
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Brandeis president issues an apology
Brandeis University president Jehuda Reinharz issued a public mea culpa to the university community yesterday, admitting that he mishandled last week's announcement about the planned closing of the school's Rose Art Museum.
Comparison of economic stimulus plans
A comparison of the $827 billion economic recovery plan drafted by Senate Democrats and moderate Republicans with a $820 billion version passed by the House. Additional debt costs would add about $350 billion or more over 10 years. Many provisions expire in two years.
Classrooms Where Odds and Ends Are the Textbook
R.I.P. Hans Beck "Father of Playmobil"
There is sad news in the world of toys: Hans Beck, the inventor of the Playmobil line of toys, died Friday in his native Germany, at the age of 79. The line of toys is known for its consistent quality, simplicity, and educational value.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Google Calendar gets offline access
As of now people can have read-only access to their Google Calendars through the Calendar Beta link at the top of a user's page. Google uses its Gears software to provide offline support which is available immediately for those using Google Apps Standard Edition (for Premier and Education Edition accounts, domain administrators will first have to switch on the feature via the 'Domain Settings' page of the Google Apps control panel). Calendar is Google's third application to get offline access, w
Mom of boy in hanging death may seek 2nd autopsy
Better Learning with Web Tools
Inside Higher Ed reports on research that shows the effectiveness of adding visual and auditory tools to promote student learning. Web tools can aid in both student projects and in providing instructor feedback. ____JH
"Even as many instructors embrace digital tools in the classroom, some are pushing the technology envelope with more complex tools for teaching or interacting with students. New research suggests the promise of such approaches. One qualitative study, which surely wont be welcomed by manufacturers of basic word processing software, found that students who create and edit documents using Web-based collaboration tools include more complex visual media in their assignments--and come away with a better understanding in the process. Another ongoing experiment finds, with statistical significance, that instructors can be more effective in grading students work if they record their comments directly into documents as audio."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Spare Change? The Stimulus And Bailouts Are Too Valuable
A GED or General Education Diploma
A GED or General Education Diploma is sometimes also called a General Education Development program. The basis for the GED is a series of tests to determine if a minimum level of proficiency has been reached. These are not difficult tests but do require a wide breadth of understanding on a variety of subjects.
James Franco wins Harvard Hasty Pudding award
James Franco, who won critical acclaim this year for playing both a goofy pot dealer and Harvey Milk's lover, has been named Harvard's Hasty Pudding Man of the Year.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
March 21st -- March on the Pentagon:
Bay Area Birthday Kids party, Birthday party Entertainer,CA
Jungle Joe is a professional Puppeteer and ventriloquist residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. His unique style makes his shows both educational and tremendously entertaining.
Pianos To Cuba; The Passing Of A Great
Much Canadian music news on the radar this week. The Juno nominations and the announcement of the five finalists in the Evolution composers-in-residence competition, (see Evolution Composers, Juno Nominees Unveiled) for example. And then there is Canadian jazz man Vic Vogel taking pianos to Cuba. (Other instruments too, which you can view here.) It's made Spanish language news in Cuba too. (And even this small English language report, from Radio Angulo) He's not the first, and not the only t
Jeff Paul Exposed
"Much better than I ever hoped! The information was like gold- each and every minute was so educational. Never dreamed of having the opportunity to talk to people who are REALLY in the know. No- and I mean NO FLUFF!" Yvonne Q., - Joshua, TX.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 2009 MySpace Launch
Got Vape has launched our MySpace page to serve as a fully interactive resource for Vaporizer Health Education.The new site allows likeminded individuals to learn about our Health Network and all of the proven health benefits associated with Vaporization.
Happy Inauguration Day
If you live under a rock and weren’t aware, President Barack H. Obama was sworn into office today. The cafeteria and gymnasium of my daughter’s elementary school were filled with students, parents, siblings, teachers and staff, all watching the inauguration on the big screen. I took it as a really good sign that [...]
If you live under a rock and weren’t aware, President Barack H. Obama was sworn into office today. The cafeteria and gymnasium of my daughter’s elementary school were filled with students, parents, siblings, teachers and staff, all watching the inauguration on the big screen. I took it as a really good sign that a school full of kids (and my three-year-old) sat still for over an hour and quietly watched a bunch of adults make speeches. Happy Inauguration Day.
Posted by Alexa Harrington
Protect education improvements (Montgomery Advertiser)
Monday, February 2, 2009
OER Handbook for Educators
"Welcome to the world of Open Educational Resources (OER). This handbook is designed to help educators find, use, develop and share OER to enhance their effectiveness online and in the classroom.
Although no prior knowledge of OER[1] is required, some experience using a computer and browsing the Internet will be helpful. For example, it is preferable that you have experience using a word processor (e.g. Open Office[2] or Microsoft Word) and basic media production software, such as an image editor (e.g. Gimp[3], Inkscape[4] or Photoshop).
The handbook works best when there is some sort of OER you would like to create or make available to others, but it is also useful for the curious reader."
Continue reading ...
STUDENT LOANS: Give borrowers more protection | TheNewsTribu
Student loans are the only form of consumer debt lacking standard consumer protections. In 1997, student loan companies such as Sallie Mae successfully lobbied Congress to amend the Higher Education Act and remove consumer protections, making defaulted student loans among the most lucrative and easy debts to collect.
Alternative Energy Learning Method
Sunday, February 1, 2009
This site provides a free course management system for students and teachers. The courses can be made private or public. LectureShare is very accessible with easy registration steps and easy-to-use course features which include a Gradebook, Announcements, and Lecture Uploading. Use the Available Courses section to search or browse the courses. Consult the recent review of LectureShare in THE Journal. ____JH
"LectureShare lets instructors post lecture notes to their students, or the world, quickly and easily. Simply create an account, create your course, and in only minutes you can be posting announcements, documents, and media that your students can easily access. There's no frustrating software to learn and no course web page to maintain. We feel instructors time is best spent with students, not struggling with problematic course management software or maintaining their own webpage. We hope to bring a new level of simplicity and flexibility to the course management idea. We currently allow students to aggregate multiple courses under one account and take advantage of course notifications by e-mail, SMS text message, or RSS feed. This is only the beginning and we hope to develop many more features."
L.A. Unified teachers' jobs safe for now
Superintendent announces that no teachers will lose their jobs this school year. But the decision will boost next year's deficit.
No teachers will lose their jobs this school year, Los Angeles Unified School District officials announced Friday, a calculated gamble that will preserve classroom continuity in the short term but lead to a larger deficit next year.