State officials Thursday denied a school district's novel plan to make up for lost instructional time -- and avoid a $5-million penalty -- by providing a last-minute summer session.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chino school district loses its gamble
State officials Thursday denied a school district's novel plan to make up for lost instructional time -- and avoid a $5-million penalty -- by providing a last-minute summer session.
Annenberg Broadband Media Resources
The Annenberg Foundation has provided instructional media to schools, colleges, and to public television for many years. Some of the Annenberg Media productions are now freely available online. Registration is required. The Teacher Resources are organized by discipline and age group and are searchable with key words. Some examples include "A World of Art," "The Constitution," "Human Geography," "In Search of the Novel," and "Seasons of Life." Although the materials are directed at teachers for use as supplements to classes, they will also be useful for students and adult learners.____JH
"Annenberg Media is a unit of The Annenberg Foundation. Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in all disciplines throughout American K-12 schools. Former names of Annenberg Media are: Annenberg/CPB, The Annenberg/CPB Project, and The Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project.
We pursue this mission by funding and broadly distributing multimedia resources for teachers to help them improve their own teaching practice and understanding of their subject. Annenberg Media makes use of telecommunications technologiesthe Internet, including broadband video streaming, and satellite television broadcastas well as hard copy media to disseminate these multimedia resources, ensuring that they reach as many teachers as possible."
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Teacher loses fight to keep job
A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge has given school district officials the go-ahead to fire a special education teacher seven years after they decided he did not belong in a classroom because of alleged sexual harassment.
L.A. Unified delays bids on schools
Faced with unrelenting union opposition, the Los Angeles Board of Education put on hold Tuesday a proposal that would have allowed charter operators and other outside groups to bid for control of 50 new schools scheduled to open over the next four years.