Friday, June 19, 2009

Sweaty Mortarboards

Sweaty Mortarboards
It’s June, and the air is awash with the distinct scent of college graduates sweating in their rented caps and gowns. Here’s my positive spin on having the bad luck to be a college graduate looking for your first job when no one is hiring: the pressure’s pretty much off. Getting any [...]

It’s June, and the air is awash with the distinct scent of college graduates sweating in their rented caps and gowns. Here’s my positive spin on having the bad luck to be a college graduate looking for your first job when no one is hiring: the pressure’s pretty much off. Getting any job will do, which means you won’t have to leap any tall buildings right off the bat. Seriously, your parents will be stoked as long as you don’t end up back in their basement.

Going back to school is always an option. I mentioned previously that research has been done (I do love data) on college grads in the early 1980s who hid out in grad school instead of trying to find a job in a recession, and their future career trajectories and earning potential were in no way harmed.

If you’re sick of school (how is that even possible?) and don’t feel it’s necessary to add to your student loan tab, then by all means get to it and find a job. Here’s some advice (which you’ll be needing).

Further Reading and Resources:

100 Best Lifehack Lists for Recent College Grads
100 Useful Job Search Tools for Recent College Grads Job Searching
Found Your Career
Jobs for College Grads and Career Changers
New Resource for Recent College Grads & Entry Level Job Seekers
One Day One Job: Entry Level Jobs for New College Grads
One Day One Internship
Stimulus Jobs for New College Grads
Teach for America Attracts More College Grads
The Best Job Markets for Recent College Grads
Tools for a Tough Market: 100 Resources for College Grads
Why Your College Grad Doesn’t Have a Job Yet…& 10 Things You Can Do to Fix That

Posted by Alexa Harrington

MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition

Should be interesting to see what emerges from this new funding direction by the MacArthur Foundation. ____JH


"Awards will be made in the two categories of Innovation and Knowledge-Networking.  Innovation Awards ($100,000 and $250,000) will support learning pioneers, entrepreneurs, and builders of new digital learning environments for formal and informal learning. Knowledge-Networking Awards ($30,000 base award, to a total of $75,000 if budget warrants) will support communicators in connecting, mobilizing, circulating, or translating new ideas around digital media and learning. Entries to the Competition are due October 15, 2007.

Details and application requirements can be found at  If you have comments or questions about the Competition that you would like to share publicly, we would love to hear from you via this Spotlight Blog."

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ACE Resources for Lifelong Learning Professionals

The American Council for Education maintains a useful set of pages for academics who work with adult learners. Included at the ACE site is information about Military Evaluation Programs, Government Relations, and Public Policy. (Of course not very many years ago, most students involved in distance education were included in the "adult learner" category, but today distance education is appealing to more and more younger students.)  ___JH


"For more than 60 years, ACE has helped adults gain access to a postsecondary education. We invite you to find out more about our programs and services."

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New focus in pursuit of abuse by clergy

New focus in pursuit of abuse by clergy
Five weeks after an Irish commission released a devastating report about abuse at Catholic children’s institutions there, a Waltham-based organization is starting an effort to compile evidence about what it believes was a similar pattern of abuse at Catholic institutions in the United States.