Monday, January 5, 2009

EDUCATION: Del. ends summer school mandate for test-takers

The Delaware Department of Education is eliminating funds for summer school for students who do poorly on the state's standardized tests.

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Blue Schools and Time Machines

Blue Schools and Time Machines
image credit: jesse newman for TIME Here’s another entry for my List of Reasons Why I’m Justifiably Pissed About the Lack Of Time Machines: the Blue Man Group started an elementary school. And if you know anything about elementary school, then you’ll be up on the pertinent info regarding age restrictions for enrolled students. [...]

image credit: jesse newman for TIME

Here’s another entry for my List of Reasons Why I’m Justifiably Pissed About the Lack Of Time Machines: the Blue Man Group started an elementary school. And if you know anything about elementary school, then you’ll be up on the pertinent info regarding age restrictions for enrolled students. I was eligible in, like, 1980 to attend the Blue School’s kindergarten. So you see why I need a damn time machine.

The school itself sounds amazing, and I really want a do-over so I can attend. But possibly more wonderful than the school is the reason for starting it up in the first place. The founding members of the Blue Man Group– Matt Goldman, Phil Stanton, Chris Wink—started their oddball performance group as “sort of a support group for people whose creativity had been all but squeezed out of them by education,” says Wink. “At one point, we asked, What if there was a school you didn’t have to recover from, that didn’t make you question the idea of being creative?”

image credit: NY Post

The Blue Man philosophy plus the Blue Man Group bank accounts added to the appearance of Blue Man Progeny equaled the formation of The Blue School. It’s a private school in Manhattan, so it’s not cheap. But it’s imaginative, has a good soul, AND it’s an accredited school. I’m happy and am thinking good thoughts for the kiddos who get to go. I hope they understand there will be nary a sympathetic ear should they ever bitch about their elementary education.

Further Reading and Viewing:

NY Post: Blue Man School
Time Magazine’s Video of The Blue School
The New Yorker: Cool for School

Posted by Alexa Harrington

The First Year - Transitioning To Employment After Graduation By Tony Jacowski

The First Year - Transitioning To Employment After Graduation By Tony Jacowski 5 Jan 2009 Author: admin In: Career Guidance, Education Once you step into the working world, you will end up with more responsibilities, more deadlines, and plenty of work. The transition from academic life into the working life will bring along lots of adjustments. You need to discipline yourself in order to adapt to your new lifestyle. Your first year in the working world will be an important phase of your Read the rest ...